I Have Never Forgotten You


Narrado por Nicole Kidman, el documental examina la vida de Simón Wiesenthal. Muestra entrevistas con compañeros del protagonista asi como lideres gubernamentales, amigos, familiares y muchas de las personalidades mas influyentes de la historia. Que lo condujo a perseguir incansablemente esta ardua tarea? Que lo mantuvo en la lucha durante años en contra de todas las expectativas? Cual es su legado para las nuevas generaciones? 
En mayo de 1945, cuando Simón fue liberado del famoso campo de concentración Mauthausen había perdido ya casi 100 libras pero estaba determinado a vivir. 

Días después de su liberación, decide que debe llevar ante la justicia a aquellos responsables de cometer las atrocidades de las que el mundo entero se lamentaría años después. Durante su larga jornada por el "reino de la muerte", ha logrado reunir junto con sus compañeros, una lista de los asesinos. Simón se voluntarizó para ayudar a la unidad Americana de Crímenes de Guerra e hizo publica la lista ( menos de tres semanas de que había sido liberado).


Narrated by Academy Award-winning actress Nicole Kidman, the feature length documentary examines the life of Simon Wiesenthal. It features interviews with longtime associates, government leaders, friends and family members, many of whom have never discussed the legendary Nazi hunter on camera. What drove him to pursue this dangerous and thankless task? What kept him going when for years the odds were against his efforts? What is his legacy today?
In May 1945, when Simon Wiesenthal was liberated from Mauthausen Concentration Camp he weighed less than 100 pounds but he was determined to live. Before the war, he had planned his future as an architect but as he stumbled out of the death camp he said, "Who is there left to build homes for?"
In the days after liberation he decided that he must bring those who committed such unspeakable crimes to justice. Throughout his own journey thorough the ‘kingdom of death’, he had compiled a list of the murderers he and his fellow inmates had encountered. Simon volunteered to help the American War Crimes Unit and submitted that list to the US Army War Crimes Committee on May 25, 1945, less than 3 weeks after being liberated. At the time he assumed that his wife, Cyla had been amongst those who perished. It would be months before they discovered they had each survived.
Simon Wiesenthal never trained as an investigator but he made up for it through his sheer determination to bring Nazi murderers to justice, not for vengeance, but as an insurance policy to protect future generations from such crimes. In the early years, few supported him and he was virtually a one-man office. Before books and films began to appear on the Shoah, he was the keeper of the Flame of Remembrance. He helped bring to justice more than 1,100 Nazi war criminals including the commandants of the Treblinka and Sobibor, and the Gestapo official who arrested Anne Frank. "He would often tell me," said Rabbi Marvin Hier, "All the Nazis, even those who were never caught, slept less because they knew I was out there and that maybe one day the knock would come on their door."
Simon Wiesenthal was not a religious man but he strongly believed in G-d. He would always say, "When my life is over and I meet up with the 6 million, I will be proud to say to them, I have never forgotten you."
Director Richard Trank, Moriah Films Executive Producer, and his crew traveled throughout Europe, Israel, North and South America, to film new interviews and obtain new and previously unseen archival materials to tell the complete Wiesenthal story.

104 Minutos



Broken Wings

El primer largometraje dirigido por el cineasta israelí Nir Bergman tiene como protagonista colectivo a la afligida familia Ulman, en la ciudad de Haifa, que transita por una larga noche hacia un día funesto: incansable y mal pagada partera en un hospital, la madre Dafna es llamada del trabajo en el cambio de turno nocturno; la adolescente Maya enfrenta dudas en la disyuntiva entre la lealtad familiar, que demanda la asunción de responsabilidades domésticas, y sus oportunidades profesionales para cumplir su proyecto de convertirse en cantante; Yair, el mayor de los hijos varones, ha abandonado la escuela y adoptado una actitud fatalista, vagabundea por la casa o desaparece, cada vez más enajenado; intimidado en la escuela, el preadolescente Ido responde filmándose obsesivamente con una cámara de video y con una peligrosa afición por saltar desde elevadas alturas y la pequeña Bahr, presa del descuido, rechaza asistir a su primer día en el kinder hasta que la madre vuelva a casa. Al tiempo que ahonda en forma cálida y sincera en las culpas de la hija mayor, la melancolía de la pequeña, el sin sentido de Fair o los primeros pasos de la madre hacia una nueva relación amorosa, la narración descubre gradualmente el origen de la crisis familiar en sucesos ocurridos nueve meses atrás. 

The unexpected death of the family patriarch throws every member of the Ullmann clan off course. Widow Dafna takes to bed for three months and when she finally returns to her job at the maternity hospital, she has little time for her children. Eldest son, Yair drops out of school and adopts a fatalist attitude, shutting out his siblings and girlfriend. His twin sister Maya, a talented musician, feels the most guilt and is forced to act as a family caregiver at the expense of career opportunities. Bullied at school, younger son Ido responds by obsessively filming himself with a video camera and attempting dangerous feats. The baby sister, Bar, is woefully neglected. Preoccupied with their own misery, the family is barely a family anymore. When another tragedy strikes, will they be able to support one another?

84 Minutos aprox.



Broken Wings

El primer largometraje dirigido por el cineasta israelí Nir Bergman tiene como protagonista colectivo a la afligida familia Ulman, en la ciudad de Haifa, que transita por una larga noche hacia un día funesto: incansable y mal pagada partera en un hospital, la madre Dafna es llamada del trabajo en el cambio de turno nocturno; la adolescente Maya enfrenta dudas en la disyuntiva entre la lealtad familiar, que demanda la asunción de responsabilidades domésticas, y sus oportunidades profesionales para cumplir su proyecto de convertirse en cantante; Yair, el mayor de los hijos varones, ha abandonado la escuela y adoptado una actitud fatalista, vagabundea por la casa o desaparece, cada vez más enajenado; intimidado en la escuela, el preadolescente Ido responde filmándose obsesivamente con una cámara de video y con una peligrosa afición por saltar desde elevadas alturas y la pequeña Bahr, presa del descuido, rechaza asistir a su primer día en el kinder hasta que la madre vuelva a casa. Al tiempo que ahonda en forma cálida y sincera en las culpas de la hija mayor, la melancolía de la pequeña, el sin sentido de Fair o los primeros pasos de la madre hacia una nueva relación amorosa, la narración descubre gradualmente el origen de la crisis familiar en sucesos ocurridos nueve meses atrás. Esta presentación en DVD comprende los siguientes materiales suplementarios: 1. Pantallas de texto con sinopsis, filmografías seleccionadas del director y el reparto, notas de Nir Bergman y lista de premios y 2. Galería de fotografías fijas de la película

The unexpected death of the family patriarch throws every member of the Ullmann clan off course. Widow Dafna takes to bed for three months and when she finally returns to her job at the maternity hospital, she has little time for her children. Eldest son, Yair drops out of school and adopts a fatalist attitude, shutting out his siblings and girlfriend. His twin sister Maya, a talented musician, feels the most guilt and is forced to act as a family caregiver at the expense of career opportunities. Bullied at school, younger son Ido responds by obsessively filming himself with a video camera and attempting dangerous feats. The baby sister, Bar, is woefully neglected. Preoccupied with their own misery, the family is barely a family anymore. When another tragedy strikes, will they be able to support one another?

84 Minutos aprox.



Rana´s Wedding

Rana se levanta una mañana y tiene que afrontar un ultimátum de su padre. Debe o bien elegir un marido de entre un lista previamente seleccionada de hombres aptos, o debe acompañar a su padre al extranjero. Rana's Wedding (La Boda de Rana) es un drama romántico sobre una chica Palestina que quiere casarse con un hombre de su libre elección. Con sólo diez horas para encontrar a su novio en Jerusalén ocupado, Rana sale al amanecer a hurtadillas de la casa de su padre para encontrar a su amor prohibido, Khalil. Enfrentándose a barreras y ocupación que se han convertido en una realidad diaria, Rana supera sus miedos y dudas, y decide no dejar que nadie controle su vida.

Shooting on location in East Jerusalem, Ramallah and at checkpoints in-between, Palestinian director Hany Abu-Assad (FORD TRANSIT) sees the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through the eyes of a young woman who, with only ten hours to marry, must negotiate her way around roadblocks, soldiers, stone-throwers, overworked officials ... and into the heart of an elusive lover. This timely feature that explores love among the ruins of an occupied territory was presented with the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival's 2003 Nestor Almendros Prize for courage in filmmaking. According to Abu-Assad, "When the abnormalities of barriers and occupation become an everyday reality, normal things like love and marriage turn into fiction. This is life in Palestine right now. I wanted to challenge it through cinema." Winner of the Best Actress award at the 2002 Marrakesh International Film Festival (for Clara Khoury's affecting performance), RANA'S WEDDING premiered during the 2002 International Critic's Week at Cannes and has been a festival favorite in Palm Springs, Montreal, Rio de Janeiro, Cairo and London. DVD Special Features: Original Theatrical Trailer Hany Abu-Assad Biography Clara Khoury Biography

86 Minutos





Legado es un valioso documento que describe la llegada a la Argentina en 1889 del primer grupo de inmigrantes judios que, escapando del régimen zarista de Rusia y de los Pogroms, se instalan en el campo a trabajar la tierra, dando origen a numerosas colonias agrícolas. Allí surge la figura del "gaucho judio", quien luchando contra la sequía, plagas e inundaciones, conserva generación tras generación el legado de una cultura milenaria y logra integrarse a una tierra donde puede vivir en libertad.

La abuela de Esther tiene diez años cuando llega en ese año a bordo del vapor Wesser, comenzando así su relato de los ochenta años que vivió en la colonia. Sus palabras son en idish, idioma original hablado por aquellos inmigrantes. A su voz se le suman la memoria y el recuerdo de los verdaderos colonos y de sus descendientes.

Towards the end of the XIX Century, about 800 Jews from all ages, coming from Kamenetz-Podolsk, Podolia (located in the West of Ukraine), arrived at the Buenos Aires port in the Wasser steamship They were running away from the Czarist persecution and from the Pogroms. Once they were here, and after overcoming several difficulties, in order to find a source of work which would allow them first to survive and then to make some progress in life, they gathered in colonies, spread in different provinces, such as Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, La Pampa, Santiago del Estero and Buenos Aires. Most of these colonies were constituted thanks to the initiative of  Baron Mauricio de Hirsch, who gave them about one hundred hectare per group.

71 Minutos

Yiddish y Español.

Español, Inlges y Francés.

Out of the Ashes


Gisella Perl es una judía húngara que deja su pueblo para iniciar una prometedora carrera como ginecóloga.

Pero todo se viene abajo cuando los nazis la deportan a Auschwitz durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Después de sobrevivir a esa pesadilla, Gisella decide obtener la ciudadanía americana, pero allí se enfrenta a los jueces estadounidenses, que la acusan de haber sido ayudante del Dr. Mengele en los campos de exterminio.
Perl deberá revivir sus horribles experiencias para explicar la difícil decisión moral que le mantuvo con vida durante sus años en Auschwitz.

This powerful, politically charged cable TV movie was based on the memoirs of Hungarian gynecologist and Holocaust survivor Gisella Perl. Having spent the WWII years in charge of the woman's infirmary at Auschwitz, Perl (played byChristine Lahti) hopes to leave her living nightmare behind when the Allies liberate Europe. But when she applies for American citizenship in 1946, she is hauled into military court to explain the extent to which she "collaborated" with the Nazis during the war. The U.S. officials are especially disturbed by the number of illegal abortions Perl performed at Auschwitz without her superiors' knowledge. But as Perl struggles to explain to her relentless interrogators (the explanation taking the form of extended flashbacks), she terminated the lives of the unborn to save thousands of pregnant women from the Nazi gas chambers. Filmed on location in Canada, the U.K., and Lithuania, Out of the Ashes made its Showtime network debut on April 13, 2003

113 Minutos

Ingles y Español


Europa Europa

Solly, un chico judío, es separado de su familia durante los primeros días de la segunda guerra mundial y acaba refugiado en un orfanato soviético. Cuando los alemanes invaden la Unión Soviética, el orfanato es destruido y Solly cae en manos del "enemigo". Para sobrevivir se hace pasar por un huérfano ario alemán. Pronto le hacen mascota del regimiento y por casualidad se convierte en héroe de guerra. Como compensación es llevado al corazón de Alemania nazi formando parte de las juventudes hitlerianas. En su empeño por la supervivencia, Solly interpreta con tanta convicción su papel que su propia identidad está en peligro.Basada en la historia real de Solomon Perel.

This drama was based on the true story of a young German Jew who survived the Holocaust by falling in with the Nazis. Solomon Perel (Marco Hofschneider) is the son of a Jewish shoe salesman coming of age in Germany during the rise of Adolf Hitler. In 1938, a group of Nazis attack Solomon's family home; his sister is killed, and 13-year-old Solomon flees to Poland. Solomon winds up in an orphanage operated by Stalinist forces; when German forces storm Poland, Solomon's fluent German allows him to join the Nazis as a translator, posing as Josef Peters, an ethnic German. In time, "Peters" is made a member of the elite Hitler Youth, but since Solomon is circumcised, he can be easily revealed as a Jew, and he lives in constant fear that his secret will be discovered. Solomon's close calls include an attempted seduction by Robert Kellerman (André Wilms), a homosexual officer, and his relationship with Leni (Julie Delpy), a beautiful but violently anti-Semitic woman who wants to bear his child for the glory of the master race.

114 Minutos

Aleman, Ruso y Francés

Ingles, Fracés y Español

Trembling Before G-D

rembling Before G-d es una película documental realizada en 2001 sobre judíos ortodoxos gays y lesbianas que tratan de reconciliar su sexualidad con su fe, fue dirigida por Sandi Simcha DuBowski, un estadounidense que quería comparar las actitudes ortodoxas frente a la homosexualidad con su propia educación como judío conservador gay. La película ganó varios premios, entre ellos el Teddy Award a la mejor película documental en el Festival de Cine de Berlín de 2001, así como el de mejor documental en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Chicago de 2001 y en los GLAAD Media Awards de 2003.
Fue filmada con un equipo de vídeo compacto y después transferida digitalmente a película de 35 mm. El video era una mezcla de tomas de entrevistas en los hogares y oficinas de los sujetos, con secuencias al estilo del cinéma vérité y material filmado en un escenario de sonido, con actores voluntarios realizando rituales judíos en silueta detrás de una pantalla. Está realizada principalmente en inglés, pero también tiene algunos segmentos en yídish  y hebreo, que aparecen subtitulados.
La película sigue la vida de varios judíos ortodoxos gays y lesbianas e incluye entrevistas con rabinos y psicoterapeutas acerca de las actitudes ortodoxas hacia la homosexualidad. Durante la producción, que duró seis años, DuBowski se entrevistó con cientos de homosexuales judíos, sin embargo sólo un puñado de ellos accedió a ser filmado por temor a ser repudiados por sus comunidades. Muchos de los que estuvieron de acuerdo en ser entrevistados son mostrados como siluetas o con sus rostros pixelados La mayoría de los participantes son judíos estadounidenses, con excepción de un británico y un israelí.
Trembling Before G-d tuvo cierto éxito en la taquilla, recaudando más de 5.500 dólares en una sola sala en su primer día de exhibición y 788.896 en ocho salas para su fecha de cierre el 5 de enero de 2003. La película obtuvo diez nominaciones a premios, ganando siete de ellas. La recepción por parte de las comunidades judías ortodoxas fue ambivalente. Varias sinagogas ortodoxas apoyaron la exhibición del documental, pero ningún grupoj aredí se pronunció a favor. Tradicionalmente el judaísmo ortodoxo ha condenado las prácticas homosexuales, ya que están prohibidas tanto en la Torá, como en el Talmud. En las últimas décadas, según el documental, la posición sobre la homosexualidad se ha vuelto más empática.1 Sin embargo, el judaísmo jaredí, la forma más conservadora del judaísmo ortodoxo, todavía considera la homosexualidad como una perversión. Como resultado de las respuestas positivas recibidas de los homosexuales judíos ortodoxos, los creadores de la película han establecido varias organizaciones para enseñar a los educadores y a los rabinos ortodoxos sobre la homosexualidad.

Trembling Before G-d is an unprecedented feature documentary that shatters assumptions about faith, sexuality, and religious fundamentalism. Built around intimately-told personal stories of Hasidic and Orthodox Jews who are gay or lesbian, the film portrays a group of people who face a profound dilemma - how to reconcile their passionate love of Judaism and the Divine with the drastic Biblical prohibitions that forbid homosexuality. As the film unfolds, we meet a range of complex individuals - some hidden, some out - from the world's first openly gay Orthodox rabbi to closeted, married Hasidic gays and lesbians to those abandoned by religious families to Orthodox lesbian high-school sweethearts.

Many have been tragically rejected and their pain is raw, yet with irony, humor, and resilience, they love, care, struggle, and debate with a thousands-year old tradition. Ultimately, they are forced to question how they can pursue truth and faith in their lives. Vividly shot with a courageous few over five years in Brooklyn, Jerusalem, Los Angeles, London, Miami, and San Francisco, Trembling Before G-d is an international project with global implications that strikes at the meaning of religious identity and tradition in a modern world. For the first time, this issue has become a live, public debate in Orthodox circles, and the film is both witness and catalyst to this historic moment. What emerges is a loving and fearless testament to faith and survival and the universal struggle to belong.

84 Minutos


Hebreo, Yiddish y Español.

Anne Frank

Basada en el aclamado libro de Melissa Müller, Ana Frank nos lleva más allá de la historia que ya conocemos y nos relata la historia antes y después de su encierro.Nos muestra a la alegre y popular joven antes de la guerra y a las valientes personas que arriesgaron su vida para protegerla. Ana Frank también investiga el misterio de quién denunció a la familia Frank y revela lo que aconteció después.

Anne Frank was an ordinary girl forced by circumstances to bear witness to the most extraordinary tragedy of the 20th century, and the diary she left behind became one of the best known and most affecting documents of those who struggled to survive the Holocaust under Nazi occupation during World War II. Anne Frank is a four-hour television miniseries that retells the well-known story of the Frank family as they hid from Nazi occupation forces in an attic in Amsterdam between 1942 and 1944, but it also takes a look at the life Anne and her family led before the pogrom swept through Germany and Holland, as well as the harrowing details of the grim fate that awaited the Franks in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Hannah Taylor Gordon stars as Anne Frank, with Ben Kingsley as her father Otto, Jessica Manley as her sister Margot, Brenda Blethyn as Auguste Van Pels, and Lily Taylor as Miep Gies; the real-life Miep Gies, one of the Frank family's benefactors, served as a consultant to the producers of this project.

189 Minutos



Waltz with Bashir

Documental animado sobre la matanza de refugiados palestinos en Sabra y Chatila (Líbano) en 1982. Una noche, en un bar, un viejo amigo cuenta al director Ari que tiene una pesadilla recurrente en la que le persiguen 26 perros. Cada noche, el mismo número de animales. Los dos hombres llegan a la conclusión de que tiene que ver con una misión que realizaron para el ejército israelí durante la primera guerra con el Líbano a principios de los años ochenta. Ari se sorprende ante el hecho de que no recuerde nada de ese periodo de su vida. Intrigado, decide ver y hablar con viejos amigos y antiguos compañeros dispersados por el mundo entero. Necesita saber la verdad acerca de ese periodo y de sí mismo. Ari escarba cada vez más y sus recuerdos empiezan a reaparecer mediante imágenes surrealistas...

One night at a bar, an old friend tells director Ari Folman about a recurring nightmare in which he is chased by 26 vicious dogs. Every night, the same number of beasts. The two men conclude that there’s a connection to their Israeli Army mission in the first Lebanon War of the early eighties. Ari is surprised that he can’t remember a thing anymore about that period of his life.ntrigued by this riddle, he decides to meet and interview old friends and comrades around the world. He needs to discover the truth about that time and about himself. As Ari delves deeper and deeper into the mystery, his memory begins to creep up in surreal images …

90 Minutos aprox.

Hebreo e Ingles



En la década comprendida entre 1935 y 1945, el mundo entero fue testigo del más monstruoso crimen de la historia, el asesinato de seis millones de judíos, cometido por los nazis. Esta espantosa atrocidad se ha documentado en esta película, desde la perspectiva personal de la historia de la familia Weiss. El doctor Josef Weiss, polaco, su mujer y tres niños, todos ellos condenados a muerte por el simple hecho de ser judíos. En contraste directo, se nos presenta la historia de Eric Dorf, pobre pero ambicioso. Se alza a través de los diferentes grados de las SS, hasta convertirse en ayudante de los oficiales asesinos del Tercer Reich: Himmler, Eichman y los artífices del Holocausto.

Dr. Josef Weiss, a Polish émigré, is a successful general practitioner in 1935 Berlin where he lives with his wife Berta, her parents, and their three children. When his oldest son Karl marries Aryan German Inga, he is confronted by Anti-Semitism but rationalizes it and the family makes the decision not to leave the country. Erik Dorf, husband of one of the doctor's German patients, is a struggling lawyer who seeks employment and social mobility by joining the nascent but powerful Nazi Party. Within three years things have changed drastically in Germany. The doctor initially is forbidden to treat Aryan patients, and ultimately his office is closed down and his practice co-opted by an ethnic German. His home, including Berta's beloved piano, is confiscated, and son Karl is arrested. Although he pleads with Dorf to help him get his son released, he is turned down and ultimately deported to Poland to be reunited with his brother Moses. Berta, along with daughter Anna and son Rudy, is forced to live in a single room on the charity of Inga's family. Frustrated, Rudy leaves to somehow resist Nazi oppression. Daughter Anna is raped by German soldiers and sinks into a depressive, uncommunicative state. She is institutionalized and, in accordance with Nazi policy, is euthanized with other "mental defectives." Ultimately Berta is sent to Auschwich to be reunited with her husband. Meanwhile Erik, utilizing his skill with semantics and euphemistic terminology continues to rise in the Nazi hierarchy as the protégé of war criminal Reynhard Heidrich. He distances himself emotionally from the horrors of ethnic cleansing as the Nazis move inexorably toward solving the "Jewish Problem" with the "Ultimate Solutiom."

Set de 3 Discos  (Cinco Partes) 7 Hrs.,29Minutos



The Pianist


Władysław Szpilman (Adrien Brody) es un músico judío de origen polaco que trabaja en la radio de Varsovia y que ve como todo su mundo se derrumba con la llegada de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la invasión de Alemania en septiembre de 1939. Después de que la estación de radio donde estaba trabajando es bombardeada, Szpilman llega a su casa donde se entera de que el Reino Unido y Francia le han declarado la guerra a Alemania. Creyendo que la guerra se acabará pronto, él y su familia se alegran por la noticia y la celebran con una gran cena.
Dos años después, las condiciones de vida para los judíos en Polonia se han ido deteriorando rápidamente, quedando reducidos sus derechos: tienen limitada la cantidad de dinero por familia, han de llevar brazaletes con la Estrella de David para ser identificados y, a finales de 1940, son obligados a trasladarse al Gueto de Varsovia. Ahí se enfrentan al hambre, a las persecuciones y humillaciones que los nazis llevan a cabo, además del miedo a la muerte y las torturas que siempre están presentes. Después de un tiempo, los judíos son reunidos y deportados al campo de exterminio de Treblinka. En el último minuto, Szpilman es salvado de ese horrible destino por un policía del gueto judío, antiguo amigo de la familia. Separado de sus familiares y seres queridos, Szpilman sobrevive, primero en el gueto como esclavo obrero de unidades de reconstrucción alemanas y posteriormente escondido en el exterior del gueto, confiando en la ayuda de amigos que no son judíos y que todavía lo recordaban.
Mientras se mantiene escondido, presencia los muchos horrores cometidos por los nazis, como las palizas, incendios y matanzas indiscriminadas. Asimismo, presencia el levantamiento de los judíos del Gueto en 1943. En poco tiempo, el ejército alemán entra por la fuerza al gueto y elimina a casi todos los rebeldes que quedaban.
Pasado un año, la vida en Varsovia se ha deteriorado más todavía. La resistencia polaca organiza otro levantamiento contra la ocupación alemana, que nuevamente falla. Como consecuencia, la ciudad queda virtualmente deshabitada y, en más de una ocasión, Szpilman queda al borde de la muerte debido a las enfermedades y la desnutrición.
Después de una frenética búsqueda de algo que comer por las ruinas de las casas bombardeadas y escapando de los nazis, Szpilman encuentra una lata de pepinillos Ogorki en conserva, pero nada con que poder abrirla. Después de continuar buscando, encuentra algunas herramientas e intenta abrirla, pero entonces se da cuenta de que un oficial alemán le observa, el capitán Wilm Hosenfeld, que al instante se da cuenta de que Szpilman es judío. Al enterarse que anteriormente era pianista, Hosenfeld le lleva hasta un piano y le pide que toque algo. En ese momento un decrépito Szpilman ejecuta una desesperada pieza de Chopin (la primera ballada Op. 23 en sol menor) ante un Hosenfeld que se compadece de él, y a la vez muestra su admiración tras la tocata, de manera que no solo no le delata sino que le esconde en el ático del edificio, llevándole regularmente comida y un abrelatas.
Semanas después, los alemanes son forzados a retirarse de Varsovia debido al avance del Ejercito Rojo. Antes de abandonar la zona, Hosenfeld acude a despedirse de Szpilman y le da su abrigo, prometiendo que le escuchará en la radio polaca. El abrigo casi resulta ser fatal para Szpilman cuando aparecen las tropas soviéticas ya que le confunden con un oficial alemán y le disparan y lo persiguen en un edificio donde le lanzan una granada. Solo consigue que dejen de disparar tras convencerles de que es polaco y que solo lleva el abrigo porque tiene frío.
Al ser liberado un campo de concentración cercano, el capitán Hosenfeld y otros alemanes son capturados. Estando retenido, Hosenfeld le pide a un prisionero judío que pasaba por allí, que contacte con Szpilman para liberarle. Szpilman, que ha retomado su vida normal tocando en la radio de Varsovia, llega al lugar demasiado tarde ya que todos los prisioneros han sido reubicados en destinos desconocidos.
En la escena final de la película, Szpilman interpreta triunfalmente una pieza de Chopin frente a una gran audiencia en Varsovia. Antes de los créditos finales, se revela que Szpilman falleció en el año  2000 y Hosenfeld en 1952 en un campo de prisioneros de guerra soviético.


Władysław Szpilman (Brody), a famous Polish Jewish pianist working for Warsaw Radio, sees his whole world collapse with the outbreak of World War IIand the invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. After the radio station is rocked by explosions from German bombing, Szpilman goes home and learns that the United Kingdom and France have declared war on Nazi Germany. He and his family rejoice, believing the war will end quickly.
When the SS takes over Warsaw after the Wehrmacht moves out, living conditions for the Jewish population gradually deteriorate as their rights are slowly eroded: first they are allowed only a limited amount of money per family, then they must wear armbands imprinted with the blue Star of David to identify themselves, and eventually, on Halloween 1940, they are all forced into the squalid Warsaw Ghetto. There, they face hunger, persecution and humiliation from the SS and the ever-present fear of death, torture and starvation. The Nazis become increasingly sadistic and the family witnesses many horrors inflicted on other Jews. In one scene, a group of Einsatzgruppen, led by an NCO, go into the apartment across from the Szpilmans. They order the family on the top floor to stand, then when an elderly man in a wheelchair is unable to comply, the SS throw him off the balcony. The rest of the family are then taken out into the street and shot, and the SS drive off, running over the bodies along the way.
Before long, the family, along with thousands of others, are rounded up as part of Operation Reinhard for deportation to the extermination facility atTreblinka. As the Jews are being forced onto rail cars, Szpilman is saved at the last moment by one of the Jewish Ghetto Police, who happens to be a family friend. Separated from his family and loved ones, Szpilman manages to survive. At first he is pressed into a German reconstruction unit inside the ghetto as a slave labourer. During this period, another Jewish labourer confides to Szpilman two critical pieces of information: one, that many Jews who still survive know of the German plans to exterminate them, and two, that a Jewish uprising against the Germans is being actively prepared for. Szpilman volunteers his help for the plan. He is enlisted to help smuggle weapons into the ghetto, almost being caught at one point.
Later, before the uprising starts, Szpilman decides to go into hiding outside the ghetto, relying on the help of non-Jews who still remember him such as an ex-coworker of his from the radio station. While living in hiding, he witnesses many horrors committed by the SS, such as widespread killing, beating and burning of Jews and others (the burning is mostly shown during the two Warsaw uprisings). In 1943, Szpilman also finally witnesses the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising he helped to bring about, and its aftermath as the SS forcibly enters the ghetto and kills nearly all the remaining insurgents. A year goes by and life in Warsaw further deteriorates. Szpilman is forced to flee his first hiding place after a mean-spirited neighbor (who's presumably the landlord, due to the way she sternly questions for his ID) detects his presence and threatens to have him detained and turned in. In his second hiding place, near a German military hospital, in a rare moment of humor, he is shown into a room with a piano and then told to be as quiet as possible. Of course, Szpilman can't resist opening the keyboard. Here, he nearly dies due to jaundice and malnutrition.
In August 1944, the Polish resistance mounts the Warsaw Uprising against the German occupation. Szpilman witnesses the Polish insurgents fighting the Germans outside his window. Again, Szpilman narrowly escapes death when a German tank shells the apartment he is hiding in. Warsaw is virtually razed and depopulated as a result of the fighting (see Aftermath of the Warsaw Uprising). After the surviving Warsaw population is deported from the city ruins and the escape of German SS from the approaching Soviet Army, Szpilman is left entirely alone. In buildings still standing, he searches desperately for food. While trying to open a can of Polish pickles, Szpilman is discovered by a captain of the Wehrmacht, Wilm Hosenfeld (Kretschmann). Upon questioning Szpilman and discovering that he is a pianist, Hosenfeld asks Szpilman to play something for him on the grand piano that happens to be in the building. The decrepit Szpilman, only a shadow of the flamboyant pianist he once was, plays an abbreviated version of Chopin's Ballade in G minor.
Hosenfeld lets Szpilman continue hiding in the attic of the building and even brings him food regularly, thus saving his life. Another few weeks go by, and the German troops are forced to withdraw from Warsaw due to the advance of the Red Army troops. Before leaving the area, Hosenfeld asks Szpilman what his name is, and, upon hearing it, remarks that it is apt for a pianist (Szpilman being the Polish rendering of the German Spielmann, meaning "man who plays"). Hosenfeld also promises to listen for Szpilman on Polish Radio. He gives Szpilman his Wehrmacht uniform greatcoat and leaves. Later, that coat is almost fatal for Szpilman when Polish troops, liberating the ruins of Warsaw, take him for a German officer and shoot at him. He is eventually able to convince them that he is Polish, and they stop shooting.
As newly freed prisoners of a concentration camp walk home, they pass a fenced-in enclosure of German prisoners of war, guarded by Soviet soldiers. A badly injured German prisoner, who turns out to be Hosenfeld, calls out to the passing ex-prisoners. Hosenfeld begs one of them, a violinist of Szpilman's acquaintance, to contact Szpilman to free him. Szpilman, who has gone back to playing live on Warsaw Radio, arrives at the site too late; all the prisoners have been removed to their fates along with any trace of the stockade. In the film's final scene, Szpilman triumphantly performs Chopin'sGrand Polonaise brillante in E flat major to a large audience in Warsaw. Title cards shown just before the end credits reveal that Szpilman continued to live in Warsaw and died in 2000, but that Hosenfeld died in 1952 in a Soviet KGB prisoner-of-war camp, but was later posthumously honored for saving Szpilman's life and turning against his own criminal regime.

150 Minutos

Ingles, Español y Francés.

Ingles, Español y Francés.

Encounter Point

Atrapados en el conflicto israelí-palestino se encuentran muchos civiles que anhelan construir un futuro seguro y en paz. Sus historias pocas veces llegan a los encabezados, ahogadas por las explosivas noticias de los suicidas y una ocupación mantenida por uno de los ejércitos más fuertes del mundo. Este documental, aclamado por los críticos, sigue la vida de los líderes de todos los días que luchan por la paz en medio de este conflicto.

One mother that is introduced early on in the film is Robi Damelin. Damelin’s son David was a soldier in the Israeli army that had been shot by a sniper while working at a checkpoint. The soldiers had been sent to protect an Israeli settlement on Palestinian territory. After learning of her son's loss, Damelin joined the Bereaved Families Forum, where she was able to meet other Palestinian and Israeli families that had been through the same losses. There she worked closely with the families from different backgrounds and began to advocate peace between the two territories. She continues to work for an end to the conflict.
Ali Abu Awwad is another individual in the film who is followed by the production team to see his stance on the non-violence attempts. After being shot in his lower body by an Israeli settler he was sent to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment. While healing in Saudi Arabia, Ali’s brother Yusef had been murdered by an Israeli militant. After the news of his brother's murder Ali Abu Awwad teamed up with the Bereaved Families Forum to work with Israelis and Palestinians who together campaigned for non-violence. By speaking with Palestinian militants and those who are threatened by Israeli settlers Ali was able to broaden his message of non-violence resistance throughout the Palestinian territories.
Shlomo Zagman, who grew up in an Israeli settlement most of his life is another intriguing character in the documentary Encounter Point. Along with the settlers from his home town, Shlomo, and by and large all Israeli settlers, are extremists that believe that all the Palestinians should be deported to the neighboring Arab countries (Israeli Settlement). The movie illuminates this point as we see how Shlomo and his wife transform, despite the meandering resistance of his parents and home town, to become founding members of the Realistic Religious Zionism group.This transformation is a huge step, and usually unheard of, for someone who grew up in the settlements. Subsequently, Shlomo tries to encourage the people of his hometown, as well as other settlements, to withdraw from these occupied territories and convince them that the persistence of these settlements will bring down the entire Jewish State of Israel. Encounter point follows this former Israeli settler who risks his life and public standing sequentially to promote a peaceful end to this clash.
George then joined the Bereaved Families Forum, 3 months after her death, like many of the others in the film. There he met Israelis and Palestinians who had gone through the same losses and were ready to fight for peace on top of their pain. In an interview George has said that he received an apology from the soldiers that had begun the shooting. In the same interview he is quoted as saying “We also call for peace that is just and real where there will be no Palestinian or Israeli family that has to go through the same thing we did. Our goal now is to try as much as we can through our love and forgiveness to carry on with our lives and help others not to go through what we went through.” George was a principle of a high school in Bethlehem, but after the shooting he became the deputy mayor of Jerusalem.

85 Minutos


Árabe, Ingles, Hebreo, Francés y Portugués.


Promises trata del viaje de Goldberg a través de las comunidades palestinas, los asentamientos en la Orilla Occidental y los conocidos barrios de Jerusalén. Allí conoce y pone en contacto a niños palestinos e israelíes de edades comprendidas entre los nueve y los trece años. Aclamado documental rodado en los años 1997, 1998 y 2000 durante un tiempo de relativa calma, después de la firma de los acuerdos de Oslo y antes de la última intifada. Codirigido por la sudafricana Justine Shapiro, el estadounidense B.Z. Goldberg y el mexicano Carlos Bolado.

Several Jewish and Palestinian children are followed for three years and put in touch with each other, in this alternative look at the Jewish-Palestinian conflict. The three filmmakers followed a group of seven local children between 1995 and 1998. They all have a totally different background. These seven children tell their own story about growing up in Jerusalem. Through this portrait of their generation, we see how deep rooted and almost insoluble the problems of the Middle East have become. While the children only live 20 minutes away from each other, they live in completely different worlds and know hardly anything about each other. Their picture of the world is formed by the adults around them and the circumstances in which they live. As a result, the older they get, the bigger the physical, historical and emotional gap between them grows. When the protagonists speak out in an epilogue a couple of years later, it becomes apparent that all have lost their childlike innocence

102 Minutos

Arabe, Hebreo e Inlges


The Band´s Visit


Una modesta banda de música de la policía egipcia aparece en una pequeña y aislada localidad de Israel después de haberse perdido mientras se dirigían a dar un concierto protocolario. Enseguida son acogidos por los amistosos habitantes del lugar, quienes les abren sus corazones a pesar de las diferencias culturales. Con ellos pasan más de un día lleno de pasiones, comedia y malentendidos

This heartwarming and poignant winner of the Cannes Film Festival Un Certain Regard prize is the mesmerizing and witty story of strangers in a strange land. A fading Egyptian police band arrives in Israel to play at the Arab Cultural Center. When they take the wrong bus, the band members find themselves in a desolate Israeli village. With no other option than to spend the night with the local townspeople, the two distinctly different cultures realize the universal bonds of love, music and life. Set against a breathtaking desert landscape, this cross-cultural comedy proves that getting lost is sometimes the best way to find yourself.

87 Minutos aprox.

Ingles, Hebreo y Arabe



La película narra la devastadora historia de Gyorgy "Gyurka" Koves (Marcell Nagy), un chico judío de 14 años que vive en Hungría cuando las avanzadas nazis comienzan a arrasar el país. Su padre, (Janos Ban) es despojado de su negocio y luego enviado a un lejano campo de concentración. Gyurka acepta la petición de su padre de velar por su madrastra mientras él está lejos. Sin embargo, al viajar en un autobús es detenido por la policía, enviado a Auschwitz y transferido luego a Buchenwald y finalmente a Zeitz. En cada lugar es testigo de los grandes horrores del Holocausto y de diferentes variedades de tortura, hasta que sus emociones comienzan a desaparecer.

One young man's devastating voyage through the Holocaust sets the stage for this powerful drama. Gyorgy "Gyurka" Koves (Marcell Nagy) is a 14-year-old Jewish boy living in Hungary when the Nazi pogroms begin sweeping through the country. Gyura's father (Janos Ban) has his business taken away from him not long before he's taken away to a concentration camp, and as he's led away, Gyura agrees to his father's request to look after his stepmother while he's gone. However, Gyurka takes a bus rather than the train to work the following morning, believing it to be safer, but before it can reach its destination, police stop the vehicle and take the Jewish passengers into custody. Gyurka is sent to Auschwitz, but is later transferred to Buchenwald, and finally to Zeitz; at each stop the teenager is witness to greater and greater horrors, as different varieties of torture and violence are introduced with each passing day, until his emotions begin to wear away. When American troops finally liberate Zeitz, Gyurka has been shocked into a placid serenity, and when he returns to the wreckage that is Budapest, his ravaged body and ghostly calm go mostly overlooked by the other survivors attempting to rebuild. Sorstalansag (aka Fateless) was adapted from a novel by Imre Kertesz, a Nobel Prize-winning author who is himself a survivor of the Nazi death camps.

140 Minutos aprox.



Aimée & Jaguar


Esta es la historia de dos mujeres alemanas que inician una relación lésbica en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial. Una es Lilly (Juliane Köhler), la esposa de un oficial nazi. La otra, Felice (Maria Schrader) trabaja en un periódico del régimen pero, en realidad, pasa información a los compañeros de la resistencia. Al conocerse, ambas se escriben cartas de amor que firman con sus seudónimos: Aimée y Jaguar. Pero el secreto de Felice sale a la luz y entonces todo estalla en mil pedazos


The film explores the lives of the characters Felice Schragenheim (Maria Schrader), a Jewish woman who assumed a false name and who belongs to anunderground organization, and Lilly Wust (Juliane Köhler), a married mother of four children, unsatisfied with her husband (a German soldier). Felice takes the initiative in the love affair. Lilly, fascinated with the strength of Felice and her friends, falls deeply in love because she realizes that she can give love with a cosmopolitan woman rather than merely receive love from a man. The film features both erotic encounters and sentimental love poems (quoted from the book), and during one love scene a poetic line emerges in which Lilly is an Aimée to Felice as Jaguar. Then one day Lilly’s husband gets leave from the front and arrives home, only to see Felice and Lilly in bed. Although he then hoped merely to punish her for her indiscretion so that his marriage would return to normal, Lilly surprises him by asking for a divorce. He later dies at the front. Felice and her friends stop seeing Lilly for the sake of their own survival. On one occasion, Lilly erupts in anger over Felice’s unexplained absence for days, so Felice shares her secret that she is Jewish. After the 20 July Plot Lilly’s friends fear for their lives and arrange to flee Germany before they are rounded up. Felice prefers to take her chances in order to enjoy the love of her life, though unfortunately not for long, as Felice is captured by the gestapo. She died during a march from Gross-Rosen concentration camp in Poland to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany.
The story has two bookends. When the film begins in 1997, an 83-year-old Lilly (then played by Inge Keller) is taking up residence in a dilapidated flat that once served as an underground hideout. Lilly’s German maid Ilse (played by Johanna Wokalek in the 1940s, by Kyra Mladeck in 1997), who was rounded up during 1945, is already a tenant. Lilly and Ilse reminisce as the film ends. Lilly, though saddened by the tragedy that she caused her friends and lovers, is unable to imagine how her life could have been any different, given her obsessive live-for-today-for-tomorrow-we-die mood, common among besieged Berliners. Lilly Wust lived in Berlin until her death on 31 March 2006. The tagline of the film is "Love Transcends Death".
The movie was nominated for and won many German awards (both Köhler and Schrader notably won the best actress Silver Bear) and also was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Film.

125 Minutos



En Algún lugar de Africa


Justo en los albores de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una familia de origen judío, los Redrich, logra escapar de la amenaza Nazi. Llegan a África, donde los espera otro tipo de vida, una vida llena de esperanzas y sueños pero rodeada de pobreza y aislamiento.
Sus raíces Alemanas se convierten en cadenas que los ligan a un país en el que no podrían sobrevivir, pero en el cual han dejado todo lo conocido y amado. Mientras pasan los años, Kenia se convierte en su hogar, pero la esperanza de regresar a Alemania sigue presente, y los recuerdos de una mejor vida traerán nuevos conflictos a la ya estable existencia de los Redrich, en algún lugar de África.


In 1938, the Redlich family flees to Kenya from Leobschütz (in Silesia), Nazi Germany, to escape the increasing persecution of the Jews. Walter, a former lawyer, finds work as a farm manager and sends for his family. His wife Jettel has trouble adjusting to life in Africa, although their daughter Regina quickly adapts to her new environment, easily learning the language of the country and showing interest in local culture. Regina soon forms a close friendship with the farm's cook, Owuor.
When war breaks out, the British round up all German citizens, and hold them, whether Jew or gentile, separating men from women. The Redlichs' marriage begins to deteriorate. Jettel sleeps with a German-speaking British soldier to secure work and a home on a farm for the family, and Regina and Walter both find out.
Walter decides to join the British army and wants Jettel to go to Nairobi with him, but she refuses and stays to run the farm with Owuor. Regina is sent to an English boarding school, and is kept there for years, only being able to come back every so often during the harvest season. During this time, Jettel and Süsskind develop a relationship (whether they slept together or not is implied but never mentioned).
Walter comes back from the war, and states that the English army's policy is to send all soldiers and their families back home. Jettel refuses to go with him, saying the farm needs her. Eventually their relationship rekindles itself, and Jettel allows Walter to decide whether or not they should leave. Walter applies for a position as a judge in post-war Germany.

The final scene shows Walter, Regina, and Jettel traveling on an African train, as the train stops, and an African woman offers Jettel a banana, only to show her how much Africa meant to her. 

142 Minutos


Español e Ingles